For employees

Staffgate Oy is a Finnish personnel service company that offers job seekers versatile and flexible employment opportunities in various fields. Our services cover the whole of Finland, and we will help you find a job that is just right for you. We work closely with several employers, educational institutions and public employment services in order to offer job seekers the best possible job opportunities. We are constantly looking for skilled and motivated experts. We offer job opportunities in many different fields: industry, construction, service, production and manufacturing, expert tasks, property maintenance, logistics, care and health, as well as customer service and white-collar jobs. We are a reliable partner for jobseekers who will help you find a job where you can develop your skills and advance your career. We are constantly looking for authors, e.g. for production, customer service, expert, supervisor and management positions. Join us and find the next step in your career through Staffgate!
Staffgate - Rakennusala Työnhakijalle For job seekers

Our strength in recruitment



We cooperate with employees, companies from many different industries, public employment services and educational institutions.



We benefit from our professional skills in good recruitment and our knowledge of various tasks and industries.



We help the employer and worker to face both short-term and long-term work needs, be it production or expert tasks.



We use and utilize new technologies that bring results and added value to our partners.

Staffgate. Avoimet työpaikat. Avoimet työpaikat Lahti. Avoimet työpaikat Helsinki. Avoimet työpaikat Hämeenlinna. Avoimet työpaikat Espoo. Avoimet työpaikat Turku. Avoimet työpaikat Tampere. Avoimet työpaikat Kouvola. Open positions. Tietosuojaseloste Työnhakijalle

Expertise in many industries

Staffgate, teollisuus, työturvallisuus, work safety


Welder, process worker, assembler, metal worker and other production professionals. Among other things, the forest industry and the technology industry.

Staffgate, Rakennustyöntekijä, purkutyöntekijä, kirvesmies ja muut alan ammattilaiset. Myös viher- ja ympäristörakentaminen.


Construction worker, demolition worker, carpenter and other professionals in the field. Also green and environmental construction.

Työnantaja Avoimet työpaikat. erilaiset työtehtävät


Design and expert assignments in industry and construction. Also mechanical design, strength calculation, energy technology and layout design.

Staffgate, Kiinteistöhoitaja, siivooja, laitoshuoltaja ja muut alan ammattilaise


Property manager, cleaner, plant manager and others.

Staffgate, Varastotyöntekijä, terminaalityöntekijä, trukkikuski ja muut alan ammattilaiset.


Warehouse worker, terminal worker, forklift driver and others.

Staffgate - Haastattelu Henkilöstövuokraus Suorarekrytointipalvelut, Varhaiskasvatuksen työtekijä, kotihoitaja, lähihoitaja, sairaanhoitaja, hoiva-avustaja ja muut alan ammattilaiset. Tunneäly. Henkilöstövuokrauspalvelut, suorarekrytointi


Kindergarten teacher, home helper, nurse and other.

Staffgate - Myyntityö


Seller, sales consultant, customer service consultant and others.

Staffgate - Toimihenkilötehtävät, vuokratyöntekijä, Toimitusjohtaja, tuotantopäällikkö, työnjohtaja, ostaja, toimistotyöntekijä, kirjanpitäjä, sihteeri, assistentti ja muut alan ammattilaiset.


Accountant, secretary, assistants and others.

Staffgate, Ravintolapäällikkö, kokki, tarjoilija, baarimikko, keittäjä, ravintolatyöntekijä, leipuri, kahvilatyöntekijä, barista.


Restaurant manager, cook, waiter, bartender, cook, restaurant worker, baker, cafe worker, barista.

Staffgate, Leipuri, kondiittori, leipuri-kondiittori, leipomotyöntekijä, pakkaaja, lähettämötyöntekijä, Henkilöstövuokraus. Henkilöstövuokraus Lahti.


Baker, confectioner, baker-confectioner, bakery worker, packer, dispatch worker, maintenance fitter.

Staffgate - tiimityö Team-work in Finland, Järjestelmäasiantuntija, suunnitteluinsinööri, ohjelmoija, sisällöntuottaja, kouluttaja.


System expert, design engineer, programmer, content producer, trainer.

International recruitment

With the help of our extensive international network and partners, we find the employees that suit our customers’ needs. We offer labor hire, e.g. for multi-level tasks in industry and construction. Basically, however, we always look for local labor first, before expanding the search abroad.

Staffgate - Rakennusala Työnhakijalle For job seekers

HR and recruitment services throughout Finland

It is easy to work with us because we speak the same language as you. We are also able to help our customers when, for example, an investment project requires more extensive recruitment. We can be involved in the project from the beginning.

We offer labor hire e.g. industry and construction at all levels. Our temporary employees represent professionals in various fields and come from both Finland and abroad. We can arrange one or more people at a time for short and long-term assignments. You can pay a one-time fee for the assignment or hire us from us on a time-based or quantity-based basis – we will work together to find a suitable solution for you.

Recruitment services
We offer first-class recruitment services for many different industries and different positions. Our HR-consultants understand the specifics of the industry and find the right people for your business needs. With our help, you can recruit professionals directly to your own payroll. Our service covers everything from finding suitable candidates and interviews to orientation on the working place – according to your needs. It is also possible to transfer an employee who has started as temporary labor to a direct contract with you.

Staffgate, Rakennustyöntekijä, purkutyöntekijä, kirvesmies ja muut alan ammattilaiset. Myös viher- ja ympäristörakentaminen.

We are looking for skilled and reliable employees both from Finland and abroad. Employees who enjoy their work are our competitive advantage and we take care of their needs both in working life and in their free time.

We use our extensive international partner network to find the ideal solution for each client’s needs. We cooperate with educational institutions and recruitment companies in various fields, and our activities are constantly expanding. It should be noted, however, that we always start recruiting from a vacant and skilled local workforce.

We have more than 15 years of experience in recruiting skilled and motivated employees. We keep pace with developments and strive to get to know our customers and their business as well as possible in order to provide the best possible service. In addition to Staffgate’s own recruitment system and network, we use the appropriate channels and media to achieve the best results and to find as many potential candidates as possible.

Skills coach

Our company offers its customers a wide range of training and coaching for different needs. We tailor a package that is right for your staff, such as sales training, supervisor coaching, work community coaching. In addition, we provide the necessary occupational safety-, track work-, and fire work card training. We have also designed a training package specifically for those responsible for recruitment.

Teamwork training
A well-coordinated work team is in the interest of everyone who works in it and increases the meaning of everyday life in many ways. Communality between employees increases productivity, strengthens professional qualities, and also helps to find a common solution in the workplace. Through us, you can order a well-designed training package specifically for your company, which will inspire you to further develop the company and look for new perspectives in your professional field.

Work safety certificate, track work certificate and fire safety certificate

We provide the necessary safety training with the certification, as well as obtaining licenses related to professional skills for work in industry, for installation work and construction.

Sales training
Our company offers its customers versatile and expert sales training and coaching for various needs. Our own experience in sales tasks and the know-how gained through our co-operation network guarantee that we can tailor just the right kind of training package to give new impetus to sales work – by developing our own know-how and also by understanding the customer’s perspective.

Supervisor coaching
Being a manager requires continuous development and extensive knowledge about the operational models of the organization of work in your field. We have a suggestion on how to organize activities and turn work problems into resources, as well as get the most benefit from personnel management for the benefit of the company and the entire staff.

Ammattitaidon valmennus. Työllisyyspalvelut.

Recruitment of engineers an office staff
We usually recruit design engineers with 0-5 years of experience or recent graduates. We have well-functioning training and induction processes that allow new employees to access your company’s productive work faster than usual. Especially in mechanical design, we do projects according to the customer’s needs. Our customer projects are mainly located in Päijät-Häme and Southern Finland.

Orientation and training
We provide our candidates with the best assistance for successful employment. We keep up with the times, follow the changes in the market and timely offer our partners and clients fresh ideas that meet modern criteria. We strive to do much more than just recruit and provide the best possible managerial support. We also provide the necessary support by agreement after the start of the employment relationship.

Our trainers are more experienced designers and have hands-on experience in typical industrial and construction assignments. You can be sure that we will do our best to give you the knowledge you need!

Training of recruiters
Staffgate has designed the MeRekry package, which is especially suitable for those responsible for recruiting companies and municipalities. The package includes an initial survey made by the coach, which specifies the areas and scope of the content of the training day according to the skills of the trainees.

If you are looking for a job and new opportunities, send us a free application. We are constantly looking for good guys to join us!

You can contact our recruitment experts directly, and we’ll get started right away:

Johanna Laaksonen
Recruitment specialist
+ 358 41 315 0741

Kimmo Palo
+358 45 673 5484

Staffgate - Henkilöstövuokraus ja rekrytointipalvelut. Monimuotoisuus ja inklusiivisuus. Työnhakijalle